The next designation I obtained this year is the Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR). This course…

November 2023
I am grateful for so many things lately. When I wake up, which has been with the sunrise lately since the time change, I take a few moments and journal what I am grateful for. Sometimes it’s the view, my warm house, the sunrise…other times it is my husband, my Mom, my boys or my dog. I find that this simple practice starts my day out with appreciation and a moment of reflection for all the blessings that I have. I am grateful.
As we all enter into “the” holiday season, there are many celebrations, and traditions, I plan to keep up this morning ritual. A few years ago I mailed some of my best friends a notecard asking them to reflect back on the previous year and forward to the next year about what their highs and lows were and their dreams. A few of them mailed them back to me and I took screenshots of them this year and texted them a reminder. We can achieve a lot when we set intentions. What are yours?
The past several weeks have been a flurry of real estate activity. Two of my listings have recently closed escrow which is always something to be proud of and grateful for! Congratulations to my Sellers and thank you for putting your trust in me to represent you.
Several buyers who have been watching the inventory have recently identified properties that they like enough to make offers. However, with limited inventory and pent-up buyer demand, multiple offers are still prominent, and at times we have been 1 of 16 or 1 of 8 offers and when you need a loan, yet many others are able to pay all cash, the competition can be daunting. Nevertheless, we will be patient and educated and continue to try for their dreams of owning a home in Santa Barbara. It will happen.
From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.
Elizabeth, Nate, Wyatt and Crosby and of course Shelby!