Happy almost Halloween! If you read my newsletter last month, you will recall how…

Rainy Days And Market Updates
What a wet week we have been having here in Santa Barbara. With the storms from last year that were so devastating to our whole community, this week has been filled with apprehension and a lot of checking of the weather and news. We are told that we should be drying out over the next few days and I know that my sons are longing to stretch their legs again and run around in the puddles.
Here are a few photos that I hope will make you smile. We went into the bike riding at the Wilcox Property adventure stating that we were going to get as muddy as possible. When we returned home, the boys learned about cleaning off their own bicycles.
Crosby then went “rogue” on me playing at Lake Los Carneros and before we could leave, I set him on a towel and we shed a lot of layers (all of them!) before riding home in the car! We all agreed that good old fashioned fun was had by all!
Here is the Market Report for Santa Barbara County through year end 2018.
Please call me if you are in need of any real estate assistance! Happy New Year!
With gratitude,