72 Days Of Summer Are Over and Concrete Tiles
Yesterday marked the first day of the 2018-2019 school year for our family. Wyatt is now a 2nd grader and Crosby is a kindergartner. Yes that’s right friends, our boys are at the same school and will be together for the next 5 years on the same campus. Hallelujah!
While our first morning did not go as smoothly as I had imagined (Crosby sleeping in, hiding under the bed, refusing to get dressed, refusing further to wear the “nice” shirt I had picked out or find his shoes), we managed to get to school on time (barely) and I only teared up a little bit as my youngest followed the single file line of other K’s into sit on the rainbow rug.
Immediately I joined the hundreds of other parents in the cafeteria to welcome our new principal, introduce the PTO of which I am the new volunteer coordinator and celebrate the start of a new year!
So there was that…then a home inspection, then several meetings, the writings of this post, getting back to a few clients with questions and already time for early pick up!
But before that happens, let’s discuss concrete tiles a bit.
What do you think of them? Do you love them? Hate them? Have an opinion? One thing that I am noticing is that they are everywhere lately. Every new construction house has them, every remodeled bathroom and kitchen is featuring them and the options of style are endless.
In fact, when we redid our house, choosing the accent tile was one of the most daunting decision. Here are some examples of patterns that I have seen in houses and some that we chose to use in our house.
I am curious about what the next trend will be?
Linoleum, carpet, shag carpet, cork, hardwood, white hardwood, now the natural looking hardwood, concrete tile…trends are fascinating to follow and I would love to hear what you think will be the next big thing to hit!
If your kids are back in school too, congratulations on getting through a busy and hot Summer and I hope that their first days were fantastic!
Tomorrow I will let Crosby pick out his own outfit and we will start to get back into a routine and maybe even to bed a little earlier tonight. I admit it, the past few weeks of Summer had me ready for school to start but now i can’t wait to rush over and pick them up and see how it went!