We are incredibly blessed to live here in Santa Barbara and look forward to giving…

All Things Orange
The other day I was driving around previewing properties for clients on broker’s caravan and I took a few photos. I noticed that everything I was photographing was the color orange and it turned into a little game of what else I saw that caught my eye that was that color. I used to not like the color orange at all…as a young girl, I divided up colors into “boy” colors (orange, yellow, brown…) and “girl” colors (purple, blue, pink, silver…) but now that I am a bit more mature, I love the color orange and even chose that along with cobalt blue as our wedding colors, which I did not realize at the time also represented the Denver Broncos, which my husband loves seeing since he is from Denver.
Here is what I saw around town last week and with Halloween only 13 sleeps away ( my kids announce this to me daily, so I keep constant track for my little Devil and Ninja) and I hope you enjoy a little October color scheme to go with the real estate statistics from the Village Properties September market report. Please reach out to me with any questions about the report and real estate in general and enjoy this spooky season!