The way it makes you feel as a Realtor when your client (who closed escrow…

It’s officially Summer, almost July 1st and my family decided to rent a RV from a family friend and drive to the mountains of Idaho for a change of scenery. As I type this, I am in the back at the “dining room” table, staring over Nate’s shoulder as he drives down the straightest road that I have ever seen leaving Reno, NV and headed to Boise, ID.
Shelby is doing great! She loves all of us being around and has an incredible bladder for a 7 month old puppy! This is her first time out of state and she was the most excited to cross into Nevada and then into Oregon and wagged her tail at me when I announced both milestones with lots of energy. The others didn’t even look up…So, needless to say, Shelby is my favorite passenger!
Crosby, who yesterday, was a rather remarkable shade of green, now resides in the passenger seat staring out the window and trying not to face backwards for the remaining hours on the road…today he is doing much better, thankfully. Poor kid!
Wyatt is taking great care of Shelby and between cuddles, is giving me dirty looks for insisting that he take breaks from MineCraft and practice his multiplication flash cards and read a book every once in awhile. It’s tough to be 9…
Nate is a road warrior. Logging serious miles, back ache and sweating profusely as he navigates this slow boat on wheels through the mountain passes and straights of Nevada, getting passed by most and having to turn off the AC every few minutes to stop the check engine light from continually flashing at him.
Then there is me. The instigator and planner of this trip who wont’t admit outloud to my family that I am asking every few hours ‘why did we do this again?’ h, that’s right, to relax. To take a vacation and get out of Santa Barbara for awhile. To change up the scenery and get off the screens (ha! as I type on one now at 65 mph…) Then I remind myself that “the journey is the destination that matters”…isn’t that the quote? We will soon be in the middle of the Sawtooth Wilderness with my best friend Brenna and her family and playing in nature and taking a break from the news. Taking a break from writing a newsletter, from MineCraft, from Zoom meetings, from all the “stuff”…
So here we are and thanks for reading and I hope that you all are finding ways to escape a little and get out into nature. We will be there soon and I can’t wait to unplug and watch the stars, eat some s’mores, slather on the bug spray and do it all again on the drive home! I love adventures and #teamwagneradventures has been on and survived many together and this one will be memorable and epic!