The next designation I obtained this year is the Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR). This course…
Summer “Adulting” in Santa Barbara County
As I type this and get ready to schedule this to go out tomorrow, there are only 5.5 more days in this school year and then my 1st grader will be a 2nd grader and my youngest will be a Kindergartner! What this also means is that Summer is here and we will have 75 days of Summer vacation filled with camps, books, travel, wrestling, complaining about being bored, going to the beach, begging to watch a show on the iPad, trips to the library, gardening, bike rides, popsicles, hikes, boogie boarding, watermelon and all things Summer. Oh to be a kid again!
Meanwhile, us adults will still be “adulting”. Which to me means looking at houses, helping clients prepare their houses for sale, discussing pricing, whether or not to stage the property and so much more. My “adulting” will also consist of previewing properties for my buyers to assess whether it is worth their time to view them in person, what it might cost to remodel aspects of the home, the neighborhood school boundaries and how much to offer when drawing up a contract.
My Summer will also be filled with educating my clients about the residential purchase agreement as well as the residential listing agreements, both of which seem to get longer in length as each year goes by. I will spend time answering client questions about filling out or getting clarity on Seller disclosures. Time will be spent talking about sewer lateral lines and having them scoped with a camera (my sons love going with me to this appointment), having roofers weigh in on life expectancy, trailing behind and soaking up all the knowledge from physical inspectors sniffing around homes and pointing out every detail (why is there never a damper on a chimney or a wrench chained to the gas shut off?).
I am about to celebrate my 16th anniversary in residential real estate here in Santa Barbara. Learning about the new trends in home design is always a thrill for me. See below for a few tips I recently heard from a new construction builder. I am constantly learning in my profession, which I love. This Summer will be great for me, since I love my type of “aduliting” and I know it will be great for my kids too. I hope that you have a wonderful Summer too! #75DaysOfSummer2018