The way it makes you feel as a Realtor when your client (who closed escrow…

Up here on the Mesa we have been starting and ending many of the days with the sonorous fog horn sounding…we are all working and going to school at home still, so why not jack hammer up our root torn up driveway and listen to the lovely sound of concrete being decimated all day?
Whose idea was that anyway? Oh right, it was mine…being at home so much has urged us, like many other home owners to tackle the to do “scroll” (scroll not list since it never ends…) and this was next on our (my) scroll. Soon it will be finished and we can enjoy our sanctuary once again in a quieter manner!
Our Cousin Joe just moved to Santa Barbara to change it up from living at home for his Freshman year of college and it has been wonderful having him closer! He has been helping with the boys, attending school online and getting to know Santa Barbara. He is an amazing drummer and musician so if any of you know anyone he can jam with here in his new community please let me know!
We all participated in the Coastal Clean Up and picked up litter along the bike path across from the volleyball courts and along the bird refuge. We tallied up what we found for their census and we were pleased to report that there wasn’t too much debris! We can all make a difference! Speaking of…
Now, more than ever, remember to VOTE early and in person if possible or make sure to send in your legal absentee ballots with plenty of time to be counted!
We CAN Do This America!
With Appreciation and Hope,