The way it makes you feel as a Realtor when your client (who closed escrow…

This Summer has had lots of wonderful parts for our family. We have spent hours everyday out in nature and this has fed our souls, strengthened our muscles, tanned our bodies and allowed us to reflect on the world we live in, the crazy times we are currently experiencing and be thankful for the community that we are surrounded with.
Our family took the last week of the Summer and drove to Mammoth where we mountain biked, hiked, jumped into 12 alpine lakes, enjoyed a day pontooning and many nights playing family board games. This was the perfect way to end the Summer, enjoying the great outdoors, being with good friends, remaining healthy and getting ready for the school year.
I hope that you all have had Summers filled with nature and wish you all continued health, time alone, patience for whatever comes and remember to VOTE early and in person!
With Appreciation,