All joking aside, home-schooling my children is not easy. Not that I ever took what teachers do for granted, especially growing up the daughter of a high school teacher at Dos Pueblos High School, my Dad, Russ Waldrop, taught history and archaeology from 1971 – 1980 and my Mom, Marguerite Bianchi, worked for 30 years as a School Counselor and School Psychologist in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties with her longest tenure at Dos Pueblos High School…I went to SBHS!
Through this COVID experience, I definitely have a newfound respect and support for our educators as well as the many others on the front lines during these unprecedented times. We are getting into a rhythm and are lucky that we still get to go outside on a daily basis and get our wiggles out. For my two very active boys, we make daily multiple hour-long forays into nature a mandatory “subject” in home-school. The dirtier, sweatier, longer, the better for EVERYONE!

Please reach out if you are in need of a virtual hug, a shoulder to cry on, a friendly set of ears to lament about homeschooling or anything else! I have had 3 clients reach out throughout this time to purchase properties and we are in escrow with one that closed last week and a new listing coming on the market next week.